Our Prioritized Areas
Inclusive Insurance
Turkey Insurance Agency Academy: As Türkiye Sigorta, with an innovative perspective, we offer training and development opportunities designed with up-to-date content for the development of our employees. As the leading company of the sector, we design inclusive and value adding projects by ensuring that not only our employees but all our stakeholders benefit from these development opportunities. Turkey Insurance Agency Academy, which is one of these projects that will contribute to sustainable success and development, was established for this purpose. With this project, we are starting a long-term development journey for our agencies by tackling the Industry - University cooperation. We aim to realize training programs that will make a difference and that we can measure closely by providing the opportunity to develop the roles of entrepreneurial and adminastrative, as well as the professional and functional competencies of our agencies.
Financial Literacy: The inclusion of sustainability criteria in the strategy of the company is one of the biggest milestones for Türkiye Sigorta. Our efforts to improve and reduce the risks associated with ESG impacted issues allow our company to see further in the insurance market. A fundemental strategy in this regard includes financial literacy training. In addition to offering insurance products and solutions, we are aware that insurance is about promoting a culture of protection. Therefore we prioritize disseminating knowledge so that individuals and institutions invest in this culture and people understand the importance of insurance as a way to improve financial planning. We work to spread a culture of prevention through insurance, educate the community, and secure access to insurance products.
Economic Support with Insurance Products: It is one of the priorities of Türkiye Sigorta to both spread the awareness of insurance throughout the society and contribute to its welfare by reaching consumers who have not purchased insurance products before. In order to secure the risks faced by low-income consumers and their families, we develop product solutions that aim to ensure that consumers' assets are covered by insurance with low premiums, in addition to our product that covers the education expenses of the insured in case of accidental death. With the aim of securing the risks faced by low-income consumers and their families, we develop product solutions that aim to ensure that consumers' assets are covered by insurance with low premiums, in addition to our product that covers the education expenses of the insured in case of accidental death.
Responsible Purchasing
As Türkiye Sigorta, we work in partnership with all our stakeholders in our value chain to create new business opportunities and reduce risks and improve environmental, social and governance processes.
As Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik, we aim to progress together with our suppliers in our sustainability journey. In this context, we have prepared a survey for our suppliers in order to understand their level of development in environmental and social aspects. The survey results will provide valuable contributions to further strengthen our cooperation. For this purpose, you can find the survey we conducted in 2024 attached.
Sustainable Finance
When investing, people tend to only think about the financial results, but investments also have consequences that affect future generations apart from the short-term financial results. Therefore, as Türkiye Sigorta, it is our responsibility to evaluate companies' ESG practices in order to encourage the market to use natural resources more efficiently and to minimize the negative effects of products and services on the environment.
Ethical Behavior and Ethical Selling
Apart from fulfilling their duties, the aims of Türkiye Sigorta employees are act in compliance with general principles and working order; and prevent all kinds of disputes and conflicts of interest. In addition to the importance of our company image; Observing the quality of life of the people we work with is the cornerstone of our ethical life principle. On the basis of our main principles of impartiality, honesty and confidentiality; We are obliged to pay attention to every step taken as a corporate entity. We pay equal attention to the sales made not only in-house but also by our distribution channels, to be in the framework of our ethical principles. Public and private sector organizations, the media and every organization we come into contact with are equally important to us and we act on the basis of mutual respect. We immediately take action on any non-compliance to be experienced in these matters and make a situation assessment with the relevant authorities. We ensure that the sales made by our distribution channels are made within the framework of our ethical principles.
Health of Our World
As the exemplary of the Insurance Industry, which is one of the sectors that play a key role in sustainable development, we are the representative of transformation of the business model in harmony with nature. Looking ahead, we have focused on GHG emission management, water use, Zero Waste and biodiversity in our business through the positive impacts, preventive/reducing measures and activities we have taken and trying to create.
Climate Change: Considering their potential impacts on claims and their importance in terms of insurance risks, climate issues are also increasingly on the agenda in the daily operations of the insurance industry. The analysis of these issues and their implications for the industry can be seen from the perspective of risks and business opportunities. As of 2021, Türkiye Sigorta started to monitor our impacts on climate change in line with the Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Task Force TCFD's recommendations on risk management, governance, business strategy and financial planning. Starting from 2022, we will begin to report our carbon management approach and performance openly to all our stakeholders.
Zero Waste: The Zero Waste Regulation, published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2019, draws the framework for waste management processes in line with the effective management of natural resources and sustainable development purposes for Türkiye Sigorta. The regulation, which includes the steps that businesses can take to establish a zero waste management system on a voluntary basis, also sheds light on the management of zero waste transformation for Türkiye Sigorta. Our efforts continue in line with the guide prepared by the Ministry for the establishment, operation and monitoring of the zero waste management system. Currently, as Türkiye Sigorta, our attempts to reduce paper consumption in our offices include recycling of reusable, donable or reusable materials, disposable cups, etc. We continue to take measures to reduce the use of plastic.
Within the scope of our Zero Waste Transformation Plan, with the transition to Istanbul Finance Center in 2022, in our new campus we aim
To prevent/reduce waste generation by working to prevent waste,
To create the infrastructure for the separate collection and temporary storage of wastes collected separately at the source without mixing with each other,
To integrate our existing waste management system into a zero waste management system.
Strong Society
Türkiye Sigorta has adopted the responsibility of using its power not only to be ahead in its own field, but also to serve the good of the society as a principle. It has adopted the Insurance Ethical Principles.
In 2020 year-end figures, Türkiye Sigorta is the leader in the insurance sector both in premium production and profitability, and to carry this leadership in the field of sustainability in the coming periods is one of the basic principles of the company.
Great Works by Little Artists: The competition we organized in order to see our healthcare workers, who were more tired than all of us and make the biggest sacrifice during the pandemic period, from the eyes of children and to draw their attention to the subject in a different dimension.
Village Schools Book Donation Campaign: We donated more than 1700 books to village schools in our project with Kitapsepeti.com.
Let's Walk Together Project: Our project to provide smart walking sticks to our visually impaired children, carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and WeWalk Teknoloji AŞ, received great support and donations, and we reached more than 10 children.
Forest Fires and Sapling Donation Activities: In 2021, the company donated 11 thousand saplings in order to breathe life into the losses of forest fires in many parts of our country by taking the number of employees and distribution channels in 81 provinces as a model.
Zero Waste Education Set: Türkiye Sigorta also sponsored the Zero Waste Education Set published by Çevreci Çocuk Publishing House in order to raise awareness of the environment and sustainability in children and donated 10,000 books to primary school students in Sivas, Erzurum and Hakkari. The books, which aim to enable students to learn about zero waste life and increase their awareness, include renewable energy, global warming, environmental cleanliness, recycling and ecosystem topics.
Plastic Cap Collection Activities: In cooperation with the Spinal Cord Association of Turkey, plastic caps are collected with collection boxes on each floor in the General Directorate and Regional Directorates. Employees are interested in the subject The project is encouraged by internal announcements. So far, more than 100 kg of plastic caps have been reached.
43rd Istanbul Marathon: Türkiye Sigorta has announced that the 43rd Istanbul Marathon, which is the "world's only intercontinental marathon" for the benefit of various non-governmental organizations; 10 km in the virtual marathon and 15 km in the physical marathon. Türkiye Insurance; He participated in the project in order to use the power for good, to support by donating to non-governmental organizations and to raise awareness.