IR Approach

Shareholder Engagement

At Türkiye Sigorta, we are committed to fostering transparent, open and constructive communication channels with our valued shareholders. Our Investor Relations (IR) approach is designed to facilitate meaningful engagement, resolutions and proposals, ensuring that our shareholders are heard and valued stakeholders in our company's journey.

Key Elements of Our Shareholder Engagement Policy:

  1. Timely and Transparent Communication:

    We prioritize timely, transparent and accurate dissemination of information to our investors, ensuring compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements. Through our IR activities, corporate website and Public Disclosure Platform (PDP) announcements, we provide comprehensive updates on our company's performance, expectations and long-term strategies.


  2. Accessible Channels for Communication:

    We maintain accessible communication channels for shareholders, including corporate email, phone lines and social media accounts. We are committed to promptly addressing inquiries and concerns raised by investors, fostering trust and confidence in our company.


  3. Regular Investor Meetings and Teleconferences:

    We proactively engage with investors and analysts through regular meetings and teleconferences. These interactions provide opportunities to discuss our financial and operational performance, address investor inquiries and share insights into our strategic direction. 


  4. Transparency in Information Sharing:

    We believe in transparency as a cornerstone of effective shareholder engagement. Investor information notes, presentations and quarterly results discussions are promptly posted on our corporate website, ensuring that stakeholders have access to comprehensive and up-to-date information. 


  5. Commitment to Shareholder Collaboration: 

We recognize the importance of shareholder collaboration in driving sustainable value for Türkiye Sigorta and its stakeholders. Through our shareholder engagement initiatives, we seek to foster a collaborative environment where investor perspectives and feedback are valued and integrated into our decision-making processes.

Get in Touch:
We welcome feedback, questions and proposals from our shareholders. For inquiries or to schedule a meeting with our Investor Relations team, please contact us at     

At Türkiye Sigorta, we are dedicated to nurturing strong relationships with our shareholders and driving long-term value creation together.